Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's So Hard to Get Into A New Culture

I don't know if I write my title correctly. I try to say "adjust to a new culture", but "adjust" is not enough to express my idea. What I mean by "get into" is adjusting super super well.
I am the best example to show how hard to get into a new culture. This is my third year in America. However, I am still a "Chinese" Chinese, not a "American" Chinese. My mom always asks me why I don't hang out with American friends. Well, I hang out with American friends sometimes, but I always find I have nothing to say. It's awkward. I try to be humor, but my American friends cannot understand my humorous. Sometimes, they suddenly begin to laugh, but I totally have no idea about what is so funny. We don't have many common topics to talk because of the culture differences.
Moreover, sometimes I just say something I should not say, or ask a question I should not ask to my American friends. Something is fine to say in China, but it is rude to say in America. For example, it is fine to say "if my teacher gives me two more papers to write, I will kill him or her" in China. Every Chinese can understand it's a joke. But if I say this in America, my teacher will call 911. Once, I said this to my American friend in my calculus class in high school. She was scared and told me never say this again seriously. I was so embarrassed.
OK, let's talk about one of the biggest topic for American people, football. Chinese don't play American football. I watched the football games in my high school, and I watched Superbowl, but, to be honest, I still have no idea about what is going on. I just cannot understand it. So, when my American friends talk about football, the only thing I can do is listening. Additionally, American people are party animals to me. I am not mean to be rude, but it is exactly how I feel. Most Chinese people don't go to parties much. We think the weekends are for families. We usually visit our grandparents during the weekends. When I lived with my host family during the last two years, I just could not stand they had parties almost every weekend till midnight.
It is so hard for me to become an "American" Chinese, as my mom wishes, but I promise I am trying.


  1. I bet the change is extremely hard, I couldn't imagine moving to another country and trying to change my culture and everything. But honestly I think you are doing a great job at it. And to understand football it will help if you watch the games with a guy and have him translate it for you. I bet there is somebody in your hall that is willing to help you out.

  2. You should be what you want and what makes you comfortable. I can not relate to the experience you are going to but i do know my mom and dad had to do the same thing when they came her from Ethiopia. I do agree that a lot of kids here are party animals but you will be shocked at how many are not. You just have to find those people.
